Friday, February 27, 2009

15 minutes of fame

Still writing and hopeful that I will finally find myself a traditional publisher. Self publishing is fine, but I need more help. Until then, I notice people with 15 minutes of fame on the brain have taken the ball and run field goals or home runs or shot puts all around the pulse of this world. God, I am not that smart. I am a traditionalist in that I don't believe in fucking some married man, having gaggles of kids both biological and adopted and running all over the world trying to pick up where Mother Teresa left off. Or, getting a doctor to impregnate me with some guy's sperm, and my frozen eggs when I already have a gaggle of kids and no job or a man to help me. Or, fighting with a bunch of siliconed pole hos over some washed up rocker or butt-ugly 70 year-old old rapper. Or, act like a complete buffoon on any other insipid reality show, or marry some old man for his money. Nope, I want to do this in my own way. But how? How can I get someone to believe that I have what it takes to quit my boring 9 to 5 job in order to become a celebrated writer with great benefits in this jacked up economy? How? More on that ponder later...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why so reclusive, Steve Perry?

I have been following a singer I once enjoyed Steve Perry. Well, by follow I have discovered the use of the internet can be addicting, there is no end to what one can find online. So, one day I looked the little guy up and found he is a total recluse. I am troubled by that because he once sang so beautifully. Then I found a few fansites about him, mainly women, who wish he would return to music. Well, never knew he left! I saw Tom Jones two years ago and for an old man he was wonderful! Steve Perry is not that old and he had a much nicer voice, so why hide it away? He won't be young forever and he won't have fans forever, so if you are out there Mr. Perry, get off your ass and sing a song for goodness sake! Or, if you are retired, my bad, enjoy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 2008

Alright, that is enough for now. Have a great day and stay hopeful, happy and healthy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2008, whew...

Well, it's May and as I stated in my last post, I planned to have some of my goals completed. My thought for today? Well, I am at work, so there is not much to think about except going home and working on my many projects. I will say this, I am happy to be able to "creatively" vent or whatever the word is. My major blessing, writing. I cannot express how much writing has saved my life. Have a great one!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is it 2008 already?!

Here is the deal. I want to start the New Year off by stating that setting goals is not as bad as I used to think it was. Now, I am pretty much a "nay-sayer," not a "glass is half empty" type, but I am a realist, I see things as they are not as people pretend they are. So, to combat some of my pessimism, people think I am a pessimist, I have decided to read a couple of books.
Enjoy the beginning of 2008. Back soon! Tittie Kikki

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I am very happy to see the "regular person," the "nobody" the "pion" making their way online and making a fortune at it, it must make Hollywood cringe. People all over the world are having their say and making their dreams finally come true without the help or rejection of Hollywood and I am loving every minute of it. I can't say that I like hateful bloggers, people who pick on celebs and their children like Perez Hilton, but at least people are doing it themselves and not having to beg the Hollywood system to let them inside the gates. Speaking of celebs...

Does Chelsea Handler have her own show because she is dating an industry big shot or did she audition to get her show like any other struggling comedian? Someone hit me back and explain that to me.

Last thing, why are celebs taking "Indie" films and Reality shows away from the little person? I don't want to see another has been or used to be famous rap star have their own show, because I know all they have to do is pitch it to the network. A regular person does not have the privilege to do so. Does anyone realize hard hard it is to get a pitch meeting? And even if you, a nobody, pitches to big shot industry folks, how do you know they won't steal your idea? They will. Hit me back.

Have a great week! Miss Tittie Kiki

Saturday, July 21, 2007


With the advent of "Reality Television" shows, sitcoms are pretty much dead. There used to be a day when all you had to do was turn on the television and you would see fabulous, or silly or sute or plain dumb situations comedies. Well, now all you see are reality shows where everybody and his brother is a STAR! The old Hollywood clique of pushing regular wannabes out is long dead. Long live the nobodies and their bevvy of reality shows! Even stars are begging to be on reality t.v., but they are not as interesting as the plain ole folk! Have you see Operation Repo yet? Titled in Spanish, Repo Operacion. Now, THAt is what I call television at its best! More later