Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why so reclusive, Steve Perry?

I have been following a singer I once enjoyed Steve Perry. Well, by follow I have discovered the use of the internet can be addicting, there is no end to what one can find online. So, one day I looked the little guy up and found he is a total recluse. I am troubled by that because he once sang so beautifully. Then I found a few fansites about him, mainly women, who wish he would return to music. Well, never knew he left! I saw Tom Jones two years ago and for an old man he was wonderful! Steve Perry is not that old and he had a much nicer voice, so why hide it away? He won't be young forever and he won't have fans forever, so if you are out there Mr. Perry, get off your ass and sing a song for goodness sake! Or, if you are retired, my bad, enjoy.

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